Donna Hecke 
Podcast Speaker
The Unlovely Truth
The Sanctity of Life
Donna Hecke - Real Options
Donna Hecke is the VP of Community Outreach and Business Development for Real Options, a ministry out of San Jose, California.

Donna has been involved with RealOptions since 2000.  She began her journey as a patient services volunteer and church ambassador, where she served for seven years. Previously, she worked in the high tech industry for fifteen years as a sales and marketing executive in Silicon Valley.

She currently oversees community engagement, strategic planning, marketing communications, campus outreach, youth and adult education, and their pregnancy loss healing programs.

Donna has been married to her husband Leo for 33 years and has two sons Brandon and Evan. Her passion is firmly based on the Sanctity of Human Life. As an adoptee of a 15 year old birth mother who chose life and the beauty of possibility for her and two loving parents who adopted her and welcomed her into their family, she is grateful for the gift of life. For Help Call 800-712-4357.

You may reach Donna at her website:


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